
whores (women) are scared to go out with me because i have too much aura and testosterone. i am out of everyone's league. i never knew this was the truth all along! the whole time i thought the problem was me. but now i realize they're all just worthless shitbags not even worth my time

literally--take away pussy, what does a whore (woman) have to offer? Nothing!

these shits drink like our fathers, but cant cook like our mothers! women of modern ages are more worthless than all the bullshit i shitted, combined!

i want an old fashioned woman, and this comes from a person who hates past and leans towards futuristic future.

do i have to accept the modern whore (woman) just because its the new modern ages? no fuck that bullshit

i have my new car and new car heals me. i just drive the car and realize i no longer need a whore (woman).

car never cheated on me
car never lied to me
car never showed me disrespect
car never expects me to buy gifts
car never argues with me

car gives me peace
car is always there for me
car always listens to me
car doesnt play no mind games w me

  • 4
    You've not had your BMW that long so I can understand your naivety.

    Mine is in the workshop at the moment with its bastard air suspension issues. I don't know if that counts as "cheating on me", probably not. But it certainly shows me disrespect, and argues with me, especially the cretinous voice control robot thing, and it expects me to buy it stuff all the time.

    The voice control robot probably does always listen to me, and I'm not sure that's a good thing.
  • 0
    @donkulator mine is a very young one so problems are non existent. urs is probably old
  • 0
    @b2plane It is a bit old, yes. But then so am I and I find the urge to waste money on shiny things diminishes over time.
  • 4
    Oh, what happened to the girl that was perfect you were seeing ?
  • 1
    Maybe you should've bought an Audi? BTW, did you consider the climate before buying such car?
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  • 2
    @Grumm turned out to be a whore (woman)
  • 2
    Sometimes I get the impression that I’m reading the fantasy diary of a 16 year old.
  • 2
    @Lensflare Ah yes, I see that I missed some pages of his diary.

    Well so this sums pretty perfect that gifts of God are not always good.
  • 4
    car never lied to me

    car never showed me disrespect

    car never expects me to buy gifts

    car never argues with me

    car gives me peace

    car is always there for me

    car doesnt play no mind games w me

    ↑↑ Spoken like a first-time car owner :)

    Give it time. You'll tick those boxes eventually.

    As for the idiotic argument that you shared...

    - car never supports you

    - car never gives you a warm hug when you really need it (and those other times when you don't)

    - car doesn't take you to the memory lane telling you stories from your past -- the stories you yourself have forgotten

    - car doesn't make you laugh (at funny things)

    - car doesn't give you ideas when you've run out of your own

    - car doesn't forgive your mistakes

    - car doesn't teach you anything new (not car-related)

    - car doesn't sing you "happy birthday" with a heart-melting sincere smile on its face

    - car doesn't cook

    - car doesn't keep your blood line alive

    - car does not give two fucks about you
  • 0
    @Grumm no idea. she ghosted me for absolute fuckin no reason. probably a new dick came into picture so she no longer gives a fuck. typical whores (women)
  • 0
    @retoor audi is for women. benz is for old guys and bmw is for young handsome mafia fckboys like me. whores (women) love those types the most
  • 4
    The first 2 words in that rant are why women stay away from you. Your attitude...
  • 0
    @atheist He is secretly a free gigolo.
  • 3
    @b2plane they think you drive in your dad's car. You can often borrow it for groceries. Don't forget the tampons for your whore mother.

    You're not even trigger any girls here with your sexism. That's the effect you have on girls apparently.

    You're at least funny, so there's some hope for you
  • 3
    @netikras my partner would say "Car also doesn't cook"
  • 0
    @netikras Also if the car ever decides to give you a surprise BJ it will end very badly.
  • 1
    @retoor i literally bought this car by myself. my dad is broke as fuck. im a millionaire compared to him
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    @retoor u know what theh say if u can make a female laugh u can own her
  • 2
    @b2plane who says that? Andrew Tate?
  • 0
    @b2plane so did you slav it up? You cant pick up chicks if you didnt slav it up bro
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