
Had an individual financial advisor worth 7-8 figures and with hundreds of thousands of followers, spontaneously follow me on twitter and start a conversation. He only follows a few hundred others.

Is this what it is like to meet a celebrity?

What does this person even want?

I don't know whether to be annoyed or flattered.
We're in completely different financial classes, and have nothing in common other than being trapped like rats in a cage by our own circumstances.

  • 4
    maybe a scam
  • 3
    @jestdotty Yeah, that would be my thoughts too.
  • 3
    He just wants your blood. No big deal.
  • 3
    @jestdotty copytrader is what he is.

    We got discussing some of his work. I thanked him for his time and ended the conversation.
  • 2
    @Wisecrack I get contacted on Telegram a lot for opertunities with high pay. I advice them these days to to take the job themselves. Must he paying better than what they do themselves prolly. 80% is pretending to accidentally contact. So, someone contacted me and I should be a travel agent named Maria or smth. And I said "Yes, I'm Maria the travel agent". It was a short conversation.

    My phone is in a scammer database somewhere and considered an easy victim bevause I always chat with them for fun. Told one that I owned a sheep that's not doing well. That person showing full emphaty for my imaginable fluffy friend. They love sheeps
  • 2
    You also have a follower. It's me
  • 3
    @retoor oooh I wanna be texted job offers

    actually I did get one once. sounded like I was gonna drive around and threaten to break people's legs unless they paid back "loans" lmao

    too bad I don't drive
  • 2
    @retoor why are you so good.

    The world would be poorer without you.
  • 2
    @Wisecrack Yes, € 17,- euro. My net worth
  • 2
    @retoor welcome to the club. Thankfully bad jokes with friends are still free.
  • 2
    @Wisecrack nah, often it'll make you lose a friend lowering your net worth with 1 so it's not always free
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    @figoore about tree-fiddy.
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