At home, I use Cursor, which is way better than GitHub Copilot, but at work I can't choose. One thing I particularly hate about GitHub Copilot is the way the chat panel appears in the left sidebar of VS Code, on top of the file explorer. That, and their useless, arrogant, and ignorant support (or whatever it should be called) .

I filed a ticket about this issue already in July. Their support claimed that one can already move the chat window to the right. But it doesn't work the way they suggested. In August, they asked me to provide a screen recording. So I went through the hassle of making a screen recording just to prove that dragging the chat window does ineed *not* work. I did my part so I was expecting them to do theirs. What do you think happened next? Nothing! Then, more nothing! And then, they just inadvertedly closed the ticket without a resolution or explanation.

Github, that's a pretty shitty way to treat your customers!

  • 5
    The VS Code maintainers suck donkey balls

    I once requested a feature that you can rename files in VS Code because else you need to rename it in a different program and then manually reload the new file in VS Code

    Some 10 iq maintainer immediately closed the issue saying that such rocket science is best left to an extension... Yeah because renaming files isn't basic fucking functionality
  • 1
    @12bitfloat huh, you can just do F2 to rename in file Explorer, even when file is open. Do I miss smth?
  • 2
    @retoor Not inside VS Code though. And then it doesn't know that the file was renamed only that it was deleted, so you have to manually open the file under the new name which is annoying as hell
  • 1
    I've tried continue AI editor yesterday which is a vscode plugin. Their splash screen gives exactly the advise to move your thingy to the right because else it's annoying with file Explorer they say themselves literally. And you know what? Doesn't work neither... Is all the shit just the same? The way of integration integration and automating of the editor functionality is the most impressive part to me. It's like a human does it. Who the F made that originally. Is cursor free? I like codeium, I've heard it's better than copilot. Codeium can delete your code if you ask him to prefix global function names or convert it from camel to snake case. Will check if cursor does that better. I don't use the chat functionality. Only ctrl+i for subtile specific refactoring too hard to do with regexp and autocompletion. Don't know if chat of codeium is good for an AI
  • 2
    @12bitfloat I've just changed this in the editor while opened and it renamed the file and reopened it. What do I not understand? This is vscode
  • 2
    @retoor Oh right, that should work. I just never have a folder open, only loose editor tabs
  • 1
    @12bitfloat why not a folder? The functionaly to navigate in terminal and execute `code .` is awesome! Why would you only open a single file...? Almost no project is a simple file right. Does autocompletion of dependencies / env even work then?
  • 1
    @12bitfloat well, I word you can also not rename the document you're working on. You have to save as and the orinonal one is left. It's like changeing the root. It's not uncommon behavior but I understand the request
  • 1
    *sips tea smugly and enjoys people being assfucked by Microsoft*

    yeah well when they bought GitHub they killed atom and we atom fanboys said they would kill it and got called crazy
  • 2
    @12bitfloat I can select a file and press f2 and rename it

    but then all the files I have open I have to go find and save for some reason. cuz it renamed the file in them but doesn't save them I guess

    otherwise it works

    I don't know

    I hate their stupid restrictive window layout. I wanna place stuff where I wanna place stuff. fuck these sidebars with different rules.
  • 0
    Not to advocate vscode here and I too myself was annoyed with restriction to position panels.

    Luckily, I found this link - https://calebporzio.com/6-annoying-...

    Repositioning panels is just dragging and dropping them to their place of your liking. I come from Eclipse world, so I preferred Search and Copilot panels in the bottom panels.
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