
Much as I hate to say it, I'm finding chatgpt useful. Not for writing code. But I can recognise where my colleagues are making mistakes. I don't necessarily know what the mistake is, but I give gpt a description of what they're doing wrong and it can say what the problem is and that gives me something to Google. Searching directly for the description doesn't work too well. Also makes me wonder if search has got worse outside of specific keyword matching.

  • 4
    Google got shitty for technical searches a while back. So I used duckduuckgo. Not ddg is getting shit for technical searches. I am back to google again. Not sure if Google got better or is just not shit like ddg.
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    @Demolishun Google is like a supermarket with certain products (sites) that make you feel at home. Ddg has different brands
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    Chatgpt for life btw, I have a tattoo
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    search has gotten so much worse
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    I also found AI to be good at understanding what I mean and putting it in too many words I wouldn't use but oddly makes people understand what I'm talking about because it can expound extensively in ways I don't
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    @Demolishun for technical searches I use AI now. otherwise search returns nothing for rust for example. just the beginner books, which are often outdated or too newbie

    and if it's difficult for them to find it I ask several different AIs and try to get them to give me more esoteric answers
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    Google -> Tesco

    DDG -> Lidl
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    ...and if someone spent billions setting up a chain of supermarkets and no sod ever went there, that would be Bing.
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    @donkulator you English fuckers with your words. Was trying to figure out why grass would go to a grocery store. lol
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    A person said "...", why is he wrong?
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    @donkulator using ddg is like paying someone to go to the bing store for you, because that's where most results come from
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    Googling a lot of times doesn't show me any answers to questions i ask it for. Chat GPT gives me comprehensive answers that i would have never encountered in the first or second page of google.
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    @donkulator if you translate a lot of japanese comments on youtube you would find they write 草 - literally translates to 'grass' but they're using it to write laughter
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    For small-ish self contained problems AI assistents can be really good. Something like "write me a script that loads a file for each line in a text file" or whatever. Sure you can write that yourself, but the AI will do a good enough job in like 3 seconds
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    @Pogromist people call weed "grass". Maybe they really happy.
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