
Whenever I see a website ask
1. Accept all cookies
2. Customize selection

I can see what they're really saying...

1. Accept! and I'll fuck off out of your way and let you read.

2. So you wanna read the content heh? Step into our office. Ok then, lets go through them one-by-one and you can explain to me why you think you don't need that cookie. and then MAYBE we'll fuck off our of your face so you can read the scant few lines of text standing between you and finishing your homework/job/whatever.

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    I read it as saying: would you like us to sodomise you using cookies, or using browser fingerprinting (which we're going to do anyway)?
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    @donkulator yeah, the browser fingerprinting. That's the reason i did not advise my stepmother to buy the McAfee anti tracking stuff where they advertise with. They'll track you anyway somehow.

    Probably that disabling from all those cookies does not even work in many cases. It would be quite some work to make actually
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    @retoor the trick not to be tracked is to have multiple raspberry pi with crypto-paid e-sims and a couple of solar panel in random places.
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    @antigermgerm me myself doesn't freaking care. I a accept all the cookies. Whatever is the easiest. Give me good ads s.v.p.

    I don't get tracked, I track. It's a track or be tracked world. But you can also be a tracked tracker. Things are complicated
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    @retoor maybe you can create a service where people watch ads for free.
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    @antigermgerm that's not even such a bad idea. We all get only the ads specifically for us. Let's watch all ads! Explore the world regarding consumer products. Thanks, will get rich. Because the retoorads website will contain ads while displaying the ads. Sometimes you have to click an ad away to see an ad. More profit
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    @retoor maybe you can trick them into clicking a button and then you can legally sell their friends and organs on the darknet.
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    @antigermgerm let's create a kind of aliexpress for organs!

    I'm one of the only dutch not-organ donor btw. All other dutchies are automatically organ donors since a few years. I did not want that, because i didn't agree with the definition of dead :P So i did opt out
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    @retoor I dont know anything about organs tbh but I play piano pretty well
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    @antigermgerm then you have the right fingers for any kind of organ
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    @retoor did you know some church organs were so loud at a specific spot in the air they could kill a person.
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    @antigermgerm i did not, also, I don't believe it. What would actually kill the person?
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    @retoor I dont know I learned it from an old comic
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    This is the best on point explanation of cookie banners!

    There should be a third option:
    "Disable all (and fuck off)"

    Or even better, this should be a browser feature (like the dialog that asks if you want notifications from that site)

    No need to fucking reinvent the wheel for every single website. And it would prevent those scumbags from implementing dark patterns like this "customize cookies" crap.
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    @Lensflare an browser feature would be nice. People like me that do not care can just accept all (to keep sites working).

    But just even better, ditch that cookie law. Those people clearly didn't know what they were talking about. Crazy shit
  • 3
    Whenever I see a website ask

    1. Accept all cookies

    2. Customize selection

    i'm tempted to sue, because at least over here, the law required the option of "declining all but strictly technical necessities" must be as easily usable as accepting, so the website is violating the GDPR.

    that being said, any website that uses any cookies besides stricly technical necessities is a shit-site.
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    @retoor it would solve so many problems…

    For example, the user could configure the browser to always pick a specific option automatically, so you wouldn‘t even see a cookie banner covering half of the screen.

    And the devs wouldn‘t need to spend time and effort to implement their banner.
    Devs also wouldn‘t need to take the risk of implementing it incorrectly, or would not have the possibility to do it on purpose.
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    @Lensflare yh, I think it's a very good idea within the cookie law. But I rather do see the law disappearing at all
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