
A good boss gives you a few clear instructions and then doesn't meddle in your work.
A great boss does that, and also spends most of their time protecting the team from corporate fuckery.

99% of all bosses, though? You can't make heads or tails of their blabber, and the only way they can handle problems is throwing their team under the bus.

  • 6
    But first, can you give me a very detailed status of your current task? Send me your status as a docx!
  • 4
    @Lensflare You mean update Dave's task spreadsheet with the status of your task.

    No, not that one! If you open that one your laptop crashes. Use the one with "copy of copy of" at the start.

    Then send it to Dave so he can collate everyone's status.
  • 5
    @Lensflare wow why are you guys late? If I didn’t ask you to give me updates I do not know if we would have enough information to explain to stakeholders why we’re late! From now on we will have a weekly meeting to assess progress, and I also need you to submit a spreadsheet with details about what each engineer is doing.
  • 0
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