"Windows is better than Java".

A classmate literally screamed that out in class.
He'd heard me often bash Windows, I was just in the middle of a friendly debate about Java with the professor, so in a desperate attempt to get attention, his brain concocted this diarrhea of a sentence. And he doesn't even know how stupid what he said was.

  • 30
    I agree with him, but it’s stupid
  • 43
    Java is better than DJ Khaled!
    Got eeeeem!!
  • 23
    This diarrhea of a sentence, gonna copy this.
  • 15
    Toaster is better than a fridge.
  • 6
    I hope your answer was: you just compared an os with a Language? Are you in the right course?
  • 9
    C++ is better than my fucking life
  • 3
    Do not forget that kotlin is being better than windows😹
  • 6
    Granny Smith is better than fiat multipla
  • 5
    Some embedded systems that don't really have an os have a jvm chip I doubt that's what he was thinking at all but it could sort of be an argument lolol
  • 4
    @Axis true, but I don't think he could even repeat that sentence, let alone know what it means 😁
  • 9
    powerdrill is better than toilet paper
  • 11
    vim is better than After Effects
  • 0
    He must mean Solaris. 😛
  • 1
    @gnuuu actually the house is better than the fridge
  • 0
    Everyone knows even php is better than windows. Pffft!
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