
MS - Mount Stupid.

  • 4
    MS - Massive Schlong

    MS - Mr. Sarcastic

    MS - progressive gimpyness
  • 5
    Arch - a really childish human.
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    Hard to swallow pill that github, vscode and SwiftKey is Microsoft. Happy with all of those products. Github is often down a while to. I use it a lot and notice this. This is the site, only had one during a git action
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    mount stupid will keep consuming working software until everything is mount stupid

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    @jestdotty oh, you deleted gboard keyboard right? Use SwiftKey! It's multi language with very good autocorrect. It makes you very lazy in typing. Only 60% of the things I type is correct or so. All autocorrect. Dutch&English both enabled at same time, no need to switch
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    @retoor I turn off autocorrect though.
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    Monumental Scumbags
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    @Demolishun me too, but not from SwiftKey, it's great. Type ahead stuff
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    @Demolishun I wish I could turn off autocorrect on the devices of some people who I chat with.

    They write indecipherable word salad and don‘t even notice it until you ask them wtf they were trying to write.
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    @Lensflare I have suggestions on. Some of those are hilarious. I had one the other day would have been terrible. I wish I could remember what it was.
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    @Lensflare found it. I commented on it to my wife.

    When I was typing "u look pretty" to a picture she sent. It suggested "loaded" after I typed "u look".
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