
- what's your idea of "the perfect date" ?

  • 4
    Everything is better than the standard which is used in my country (DD/MM/YYYY)...
  • 0
    @R3zz0R hehe tell me about it ... we have that too lol can be confusing sometimes
  • 6
    @R3zz0R what's wrong with that? MM/DD/YYYY is definitely wrong 👍
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    Did you actually mean “YYYY MM DD”?
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    @Japorized yo that's MY "perfect date" :p
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    @aicha Whoops, your *ahem* “idea” of a perfect date eluded me for a while there till you pointed it out. My bad :( So it’s just like how HHmm is the perfect timing for some.
  • 5
    MM/DD/YYYY just makes no sense. In any way.
  • 1
    I hate these reposts.. if you can't come up with your own joke, you must be a 'very' creative person with your code.
  • 2
    exactly 9/11 is confused in my country as 9th of November
    (Std way DD/MM/YYYY)😂
  • 1
    Yeah, some countries just want to make things hard. Same thing with not using metric scales...
  • 1
    06/06/06 lol because not only can you not tell the format but it also a really hated number. Yep perfect chaos.
  • 2
    Perfect date format is dd/mm/yyyy
  • 2
    ISO 8601 😶
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    @CtrlAltElite this comment is very relevant
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    That's a valid question. I can figure out 365 days in a year is due the time to circle Sun but why use 60 seconds in minute and 60 minutes in hour and 24 of those in a day. And not in the mood to google that now :D

    But at least common way to refer to bunch of years are "decade" and "century" (as 10 and 100). Think about if we had "inchery" as 2,54 years and "footry" as 30 years...

    Imagine reading Wikipedia article:
    "The WWII started in the 65th footry and lasted a bit more than two incheries"
  • 0
    YES I hate the ddmmyyyyy format ew
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    YYYYMMDD with optional hhmm suffix are the best for chronological ordering. I prefix so many file names with this format (whenever I don't use Git, which is everywhere except for code). This allows you to sort chronologically when sorting by name.

    And 🖕🏼 ISO for choosing a retard standard date format. Many will agree with you, but most won't.
  • 1
    Is there anyone else preferring unixtime?
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