
Yo grad school is a mark ass bitch. That being said I love it in a weird sadistic self torture learning new things kind of way ❤️

Serious question though. Should I take two instead of three classes next quarter? I have no time for a life with three classes. My gf is not happy with this. And if I’m not studying everyday there is no way to comprehend things at a basic level. If I take two classes I feel like I’ll be falling behind. Is it expected not to have a life in grad school? At least nobody is bothering me about jira tickets and when I’m gonna ship here.

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    Wait, are you one of those unicorns that are marching through grad school without dragging a job with you?

    Then you definitely should take three classes.
    Unless you're already writing your thesis/dissertation. If that is the case, you should take only one, or better yet, zero. Focus on those experiments!!!
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    yea gf are important mate fuck work. School is for dumb peepz anyway, look at me, i have a master and i'm still dumb as fuck. Whereas my mate who just bailed, now he own a house
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    life's short. Class is what you do when you dont get laid.

    And I know I have a master.
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