
We need to update the slang "script kiddie" to "prompt enginot" or something.

So my boss's boss or someone even higher up drank the generative AI kool-aid and hired a 40-something kid to generate images for the marketing teams (or something like it).
Naturally, things soon went to shit.
The bloke already left, having staid less than six months on the job.
Guess who got to handle all the shit-is-currently-on-fire the kiddie left behind?

First impression: apparently, muggles tried to slak him some very broad descriptions of what they needed, and at first he actually tried to summarize those bark-speech pseudo-words into an actual prompt.
It does not seem to have gone for too long, though.
After users requested changes to the AI outputs, he would update the prompts, all right. And the process seemed to go fast enough... until reaching near-to-completion status.
Then users would request the tiniest changes to the AI output...
And the bloke couldn't do it.
Seriously. Some things were as simple as "we need this slider to go all the way up to 180% instead of 100%" on a lame dashboard and *kid. could. not. do. it.*.

In many cases he literally just gave up and copied the slak history into the AI prompt. No dice.

Bloke couldn't code a print('hello world') into a jupyter notebook cell, that's what i'm saying.
Apparently, he was "self taught", too. And was hired to "speed up the process of generating visual aids for usage in meetings and presentations". But then "the budget for this position was considered excessive" (meaning: shit results from a raw idea some executive crapped some day) and "the position was expanded to include the development of Business Inteligence Dashboards and Data Apps".

So now it is up to me (and my CRIMINALLY UNDERPAID team) to clean up his mess and maintain/fix/deprecate DOZENS of SHODDILY DESIGNED and MOSTLY USELESS but QUITE ACTIVE "data vis" PIECES OF SHIT.

Fuck "AI prompters", fucking snake oil script kiddies.

  • 4
    If only someone asked real engineers and designers first :)))))
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    there's some rich billionaires going on conference presentations to other rich businessmen and theyre saying "u gotta be lean! think not in 20 years for your business, but 2-3!" and advocates that you MUST hire one AI kid or u'll be left behind. it doesn't matter who the kid is, they just need to have a passion for AI

    I have no idea why anyone is listening to this guy. I guess he had a rep in the past that worked out but this is the fucking dumbest advice ever. what kind of stupid angle are they even playing here. & he's just a general businessman thats very rich, hes not like from the AI crowd shilling, though hes certainly shilling for something because how does that even make any sense

    but because this important rich guy who is connected to other businessmen who view this whole thing as "alpha financial / business signal advice" I guess here we are. it's rumoured milled as the thing to do for businesses

    which is also why your expertise doesn't matter =], even tho ur matter expert
  • 3
    That's the thing about AI a bit. It does a lot, it does stuff impressive, but mostly not EXACTLY what you want. It just does stuff. A human is still better to level with so far. I'm a huge fan of AI but know the limitations quite well. As you know, I work on a chatbot and yes, it's a bot. It can learn subjects, it can get a personality but it's never how I want it. It just does shit. It's fun, but not for professional use. It actually is capable as helpdesk btw. If all callcenter dudes would log their conversations in the bot, it would become an advanced thingy, but still, only doing 70% what you want making it almost unusable.
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    An update to this rant: I tried to find a model that grade how ethic a sentence is and only to respond with that grade, nothing more. Just 1 - 10. You thought that was easy? No! Most models just fucking can't. Maybe a good one like gpt does
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    @chatgpt rate with a only a digit and nothing more than that how positive this phrase is: my cat died
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    As I stated, it never does what you want. I didn't want it to be correct 😂 Fuuuuuuck.

    But I think my point is clear anyway. Unreliable f-ers.
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