
Yocto is the most overly complicated shit on earth! How the fuck did i ever get my board to boot? You get so easily lost in layers and bb and bbappend and there are like 20 flavours of assignement operators and to configure the kernel you need to run one command for menuconfig and then another right after to pull a diff out of the .config into your project. otherwise noone else will have your changes. TrY the same thing with the bootloader and the whole thing shits its pants. Also there are like four devicetree that are required for boot. And if you specially fuck up here, your hardware will be an expensive paperweight. Also there are like featuresets that enable shizz like wayland or ethernet but good luck finding out what in the actual genderbent jesus the thing you just configured does. And there is like no way to visualize any of it as its just a cockblock of text and files. Also if you use search the results are most likely useless. As the thing you are looking for is a filename and vscode does a text search only. Also you can add layers but whatever the fuck that means as a bsp is like a layer but so can also be a kernel patch or some rando variable change. And good luck fugurig out to which dir $PWD points to. As it could just be on the Elon Musk nazi base on the dark side of the moon. Also every folder starts with meta for some dumb reason. And if it starts compiling you could just aswell build a coffin and go into winter hibernation. It takes fucking forever. I have a 3800x and the build takes 1.5h. Why? Because, BECAUSE, B E C A USE! There is a require package called optee. Which need a python package. That package depends on a crypto lib thats written in rust. And since its all from source, it downloads the FUCKING rust compiler source and compiles the compiler to compile a lib that only takes like 5 seconds to compile. Also good luck figuring that out without constantly staring at the compile log. As there is some compilation time info but you need to write a parser for that first as there is no included anal -lyzing tool for it. I could keep on yappin' waaay longer about why dantes inferno is kindergarten compared to yocto, but i dont have enough alcohol in the house to fuel that.

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