My windows friend's actual reaction to me switching over to Linux.

  • 18
    Tell him that you have the high ground.
  • 2
    Hahaha I laughed out loud, thanks!
  • 2
    Wait a few years and ask again!
  • 3
    Anakin was prophesied to balance the force, which is what he did. Destroying the other side isn't balancing, dummy. Lern2maf
  • 1
    High ground!
  • 0
    That's more like Canonical spreading the Ubuntu Bash on Windows 10. I think Bash and other GNU tools should be exclusive to POSIX compliant / Unix-like OSes.
  • 0
    @Scrumplex I love bash on windows 10
  • 0
    @dontbeevil nope I won't. I will just look for an alternative.
    Did that for several programs.
    I run nearly only Free Software. The only propietary software I use is my graphics driver and Steam.
    And if something is free and open source, the probability of it being available for Linux is pretty high.
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    @dontbeevil And if you really really want GNU tools on Windows, use MinGW.
  • 0
    @dontbeevil fair enough
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