
Since regexes have been mentioned, I'll take this opportunity to make this one thing abundantly clear...

The chief weakness of C++ is not safety concerns but the ultradiarrheic verbosity proudly inherited by it's claimants and successors. See here, straight from reference pages, a basic example of substitution:
std::regex_replace(std::ostreambuf_iterator<char>(std::cout), text.begin(), text.end(), vowel_re, "*");

Not so bad, right? By which I mean, there's worse still. Now hold my sigils:
$text=~ s[$vowel_re][*]g;
say $text;

It may be true that people don't respect your intelligence, due in great part to the well-known argumentative proclivities typical of closeted visual basic enthusiasts that are deeply rooted within your innermost self, however no matter how oft-denigrated and disparaged for their shortcomings an individual is, they are still nonetheless physically capable of seeing that the line in question doesn't even exceed 32 characters. Else this wouldn't be a discussion of syntax, or semantics, but rather your ability to count, which would be a much more dire situation.

And now that I have degenerated any semblance of reason existing within this discussion in favor of shame and humiliation towards my enemies in a bid to assert dominance, I've honestly forgotten what my point even was, and no doubt, this will be used against me; truly, the most lethal of double-edged gambits.

In any case, may a razor-sharp serrated diamond obelisk violently penetrate your rear orifice with such excessive force and excruciating pain so as to render your nervous system henceforth inoperable from cheeks to the core, most cavernous depths of your asshole.

Forever yours,
I nevertheless like C++

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    @retoor Random thought, if I published my lore, and someone trained a model on it, my guess is it'll start wildly hallucinating when asked to explain cycles and shadow gates. Or the shadow realm in general. Or the ancient world split, for that matter. What do you mean, guided by the Archlitarch beyond the river, and into the land of legends? Norden than north!

    C++ is a shotgun pointed at your feet, saves you a lot of time with common tasks, but discipline still mandatory not to blow both your fucking legs off. It's OK. All C code is still valid C++ so you can just use it for like the one or two abstractions that are convenient and ignore everything else.
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    @retoor kikibot sounds awesome, not gonna lie. Much more viable too. Liebrancabot would just trip balls while spitting random phrases in broken shami arabic 90% of the time.
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    So I look at r/cpp quite often. The general attitude there is the standard regex library is shit and shouldn't be used. Most point to boost for regex. What is worse is it can't be fixed without breaking abi or some shit.
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    @Demolishun boost is the answer to every other issue c: I just hate downloading libs all the time.
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