@SidTheITGuy - please help enlighten me. You claimed 1 was Ignorant of Indians... you may just be right... so im coming straight to you about this specific, foreign topic. Im assuming you have expertise with softcolon, right???

So... Ive had one hell of a day (well... a month and still pretty hell of a yr tbh)...

Due to some work-related reason to look at an associate's LinkedIn, I ended up curiously clicking the profile of a sole respondent to a post...

ROFLOL (near literally-- extremely rare for me).

I read it like 10x... going through every, oftenly plausible rationale for what I was making sure wasn't just dyslexia, thinking in non-english, some typo or even some new trendy crap that i was unaware of.

Do to my tendency to avoid tons of new dev/tech terms...
I even briefly wondered if it was some new term for using whitespace formatting instead of semicolons in js (fyi, i prefer coding in giant unformatted blocks, in notepad.exe... you will never catch me w/o explicit ;'s).

Now i really wanna just contact this guy and ask him how/why he chose this business name.

I cut out his pic/name... but, tbh, as someone who's innately amazing at SEO, i must admit, he's got some seriously impressive SEO.

The entire 1st page of google results (after asking if i meant "softcolor"...idfk what that is), was all his company, even an Insta. My locale is germany/deutsch... technically i do also have Hindi pages as allowed/dont auto-trans... but what i searched on and what i was using for linkedin, barely resolve to the same country, no shared anything.

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    Mentions only work in comments, not rants.
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    @Lensflare what the fuck is she yapping about? I have no idea.
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    @Lensflare I don't know what's wrong with these bitches nowadays. Be openly racist and discriminatory towards groups of people, and they expect a round of applause.

    @retoor Of course I can speak bad about Indians. That's just how common sense works. But I guess you're lacking on it these days.
  • 0
    @retoor calling a bitch `BITCH` is not sexism. There are other girls here on dR and I don't call them that. I call you and @awesomeest bitch, not the other women.

    Learn the difference. And frankly, you did just complain. Checkmate.
  • 0
    @retoor That's what I like about white people. They're so racist but fail to realize that and acknowledge that.

    "All Indians suck, officially" -> RACISM.

    "Sid sucks" -> NOT RACISM

    There you go, racism lesson 101 for ya. I'll teach you more later. Also, I'm coming out with my COMMON SENSE course, but I have to dial it down, given that you have difficulties with that these days.
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    @retoor I was nice, but apparently making a joke is equal to bullying. You do you though.
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    @retoor wow, didn't think you'd go this low.

    Fuck off now. I don't have time to deal with retards like you.
  • 5
    To be fair if your colon's not soft it can be really uncomfortable for everyone involved.
  • 1
    I miss the Indian guy that was openly racist Indians. Was his name Floydimus or something?

    He was a riot and genuinely cool dude.
  • 1
    @Demolishun Floydian I think
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    I just messaged him on Telegram to see if he is still alive.
  • 0
    @Lensflare oh i know. But dont we all know that sydney is plenty neurotic enough that he's likely scrollimg through posts looking for his name ad nauseum multiple times a day?
  • 1
    Yea... he tried that on me. He lost.

    Something he clearly didn't know about me, but any childhood friend or close teen and beyond friend knows as basic fact, is that since i turned 5, I've had TONS of Indian friends... acquaintances, employees, relationships, business partners (which for me tends to also mean they are some of my best friends)...etc. I even have a 'sister' in india due to one of those programs where u adopt a needy child for some meager 20$ or whatever a mo... i picked her off a Christmas tree when i was 4, then by 8 got really annoyed that due to the program's rules i couldn't just send her half of my money (i was a rich 8yr old dev), so made a fund to send her gifts/money as soon as i was 18. But even before she knew any of that, joseline has called me her sister and we keep in contact (she's a nurse now).

    Realistically, i probaly have more indian friends than him, not even counting temp employees etc.

    Him calling me racist is honestly hysterical.
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    Listen... he's not sexist... just sexually insecure. You gotta remember, even though most of the world is currently flooded with an array of increasing 'genders' and the attitude similar to parents telling toddlers that they can be whatever they want when they grow up, dont listen to or believe anythingelse-- applied to behavioural gender traits...

    India isn't quite as inviting to people like syd who just wanna be a pretty pretty princess.

    So, like any childhood bully, he attacks, using topics close to his internal strife, trying to believe his own lies.

    Next time you wanna dress up like Cinderella or Belinda, you do it! Don't let the idea of society's negative views of you stop you!
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    @SidTheITGuy SID! You did it! Im so proud of you!

    You finally admitted your proclivities to suck. That's a great first step!
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    But how soft is too soft?

    I mean, i kinda think about it like this:
    Whatever traits a colon, or anything, innately has or is expected to have due to being one specific entity within the group that is initially defined with sets of characteristics to identify the base traits of the individuals in it... thatd be the norm/expected start that wouldn't need any explicit declaration unless outside those values.

    So like bread is normally soft, but if you ask someone what a bagel or baguette is theyd likely explicitly define that it's harder/denser/not as soft as something like mass produced sandwich bread.

    ...im now realising im defining the world by oop class structures... but w/ev.

    So i think if youre specifically declaring a soft colon... it must be remarkably more soft than colons tend to be... which seems intriguing and dangerous.

    Thinking about it... would the contents of a colon even be included in the traits of the colon itself? Genuinely curious now.
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    @Demolishun acc to syd's standards, im pretty sure jeff foxworthy is racist towards a large chunk of the US south.

    I used to (sometimes still do if someone seems a bit too entranced) start talking about racism (just a few sentences) and how wrong it is... to someone who was boring me/looking for something beyond friendship... then directly tell them (changing tempo, volume and pitch just enough to signal extra importance) that I'm only at all racist, even just a little bit, to one group of people, blondes with blue eyes... especially the females. Then quickly cite some random traits i claimed justified this highly specific distaste.

    Then id see how long i could keep it going for.

    Anyone who hasn't seen a pic of me... clearly blonde with bright blue eyes.

    The expressions when they'd finally realise i was directly depicting myself (if it took longer for them to catch on id add more details) was always amusing... esp the dumb ones who weren't sure if i realised i was describing myself
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    @awesomeest I am racist against the human race.
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    @Demolishun im only racist against white females... the type with blonde hair and blue eyes
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    @Demolishun I knew you are an alien!
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    @Lensflare dad used to say he was from Zorpia.
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    @awesomeest Not necessarily, you might just be emphasising that softness, though normal and expected for a colon, is particularly relevant or necessary in the present situation.
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    Several issues with your response:
    - it's not "softcolon" in a situation etc... it's the title of a business (the business has nothing to do with anything even remotely connected to biology/colons)

    - colons(the biological kind) are not naturally soft. It's often confused as synonymous with the large intestine, because, in fact, it is the largest part of the large intestine. It's basically strechy layers of smooth muscle and thin, porous, tissue that acts as a filter to pull water and certain micronutrients/electrolytes/etc out of crap before it passes to the rectum.

    Medically, if a colon was able to have "soft" as an attribute (of the colon itself, not the density of your shit) it would be extremely concerning... cuz itd be extremely swollen/inflamed or otherwise abnormally, not at all benignly, enlarged tissue

    ... i guess it's possible that softcolon was a ref of a puctuation type, : colon... but that's a whole different bag of mind-bogglement
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