
think I'm starting to get why the c/c++ people are all crazy

I wanted to upgrade something so I wrote it then had to plug in the new version in 7 different crates. cool well after dozens of different file changes I found like 3 bugs and figured hey ok maybe some small edge case bug fixes and now I'm just frustrated because nothing is working and also did I mention I have like 3 deprecated crates but I haven't had a moment to rest to deprecate them fully and remove them and it's all massively annoying me

I keep just rewriting things because it's easier than changing the static typing system everywhere, but no matter what I do I just end up in more changing of the static typing system, repeat

I think I might just end at a non working codebase and lock myself up for 3 days and take some drugs and see what happens until either I pass out from lack of sleep and wake up not caring, someone finds me and takes me away, or I finally have a working product

things can't be done in chunks I guess

cuz if it works in isolation then you stress test it and it works then you plug it into the live system and heyyo look it doesn't because you didn't stress test these edge cases enough and now everything is broken and who wants to revert like 2 hours of stupid secretary work because StATiC TyPe SysTeM. so what my stress tests need to be the live system? and speaking of tests I keep have to go back to older tests and keep updating them every time the damned static type system updates so I don't want more tests

the irony in all this is suddenly for once in my life I had this funny thought of "whoa, remember when people said coding wasn't for them?". I mean if I keep shooting myself in the foot does end up feeling like a me problem. I still think like a damned computer though. literally the thing i've always been best at so I'm just laughing at the ridiculousness

(maybe it's the brain damage, let's be fair to myself)

wanted to watch a horror movie with the bf for a few days and the guy is a narcoleptic. told him I wanted to today but now look at me, I wanna lock myself in a room until I solve my disaster so how am I supposed to enjoy a movie, and do I just ditch what I'm doing and hope I give a shit later or do I blow him off? fuuuuck why

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    doesn't help that to test things I have to take a long time and there's absolutely nothing I can do about that
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    I just have like, 4 dependencies and bleeding edge everything. I'm perfectly sane but it drives everyone that touches my code nuts...
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