
i just fucked the brand new bitch that fell in love w me. game over


  • 1
    someonewhogivesafuck - -
  • 0
    Hopefully you remembered to use more lube this time. You don't want that arse bleeding issue to come back.
  • 2
    Sounds like someone who measures his life by the number of dick uses. Effectively making his dick the core of his life. Even his mental or physical abilities are inferior to his dick and ability to reproduce..

    Such a profile seems to fit quite well most of the animals: hogs, slugs, etc.
  • 0
    @netikras I'm not convinced. A quick look at his posts suggests he's all about the ringpiece.
  • 1
    @netikras this dude is actively making me racist against India, and I have to say that my impressions of them were not high to begin with...
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    @donkulator aren't hogs the same? Eat, shit, reproduce. The only things that matter in their life. Communication skills is no more than oinking nonsense at everything and everyone.
  • 1
    This dude needs help seriously.
  • 0
    Might need to create a separate bot just to downvote his ringpiece related nonsense. Literally every single one of his posts to be exact
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