
Windows rant incoming!
For fucks sake! I think Windows have asked me 117 times if I want to update now. The answer is still fucking no!
And I don't care how much of a security improvement it might be, when your shitty update causes a Memory Management error.
So fuck off, stop minimising my game while I play and go fix your shitty update first!
Fuck you Microsoft, fuck your QA team and while I'm at it, I want to say fuck you to all versions of Windows Server as well!

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    So you'd prefer locking up your shit and update in background as linux would do?
    So that rebooting in the wrong moment yields in fucked up shit
    Or do you prefer updating via command - which is the fucken same as pressing yes there?

    Windows let's you turn off everything. Even search for updates. Given you don't use the trash version (home).
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    @daintycode It's only on rare occasions that Windows let me choose if I want to update or not. Most of the time, I don't even get the fucking choice.
    I didn't say I'd prefer what you're saying.
    And I do have the Home version. I really don't want to upgrade for features that should have been there to begin with.
    No matter how huge a MS fanboy one are, I'll never fucking agree that MS is doing shit the right way.
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    @Nanos Oh nice, didn't know about that software! Thanks!
    And I do have the home version which makes everything much harder. Which is also pisses me off, that such features are reserved for the Pro version.
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    @daintycode And by the way, I'd much rather have it ask me once when I start my machine and then let that be it. Don't ask me 117 times about the same update when I've clearly said no.
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    @aaxa haha, i can't say you're wrong under given circumstances.:D
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