
Someone broke in past weekend in my workplace. We have a separate storage room at the ground floor and that lock was brute forced.

But we have yet to find something that is missing. It's so weird. Was there really nothing of value there that could have been sold?

  • 5
    The burglar:
    "Wtf is is this? It‘s all old Windows laptops infected with node.js! Fuck this place, I‘m leaving!"
  • 2
    could be USB keys to the laptops. either flashed all the data off then or installed viruses on them
  • 1
    My boss tells a good story when some rando lady broke in and tried to burn the building down.
  • 2

    Worse than that. We don't produce any at all...

    Coincidentally, we send out "tech support" agents on "field assignments" to satisfy "customer needs".
  • 1
    @retoor are you placing an order?
  • 1
    @retoor Ed said he is going to talk to HR today because of me (joke). At 3pm I get some salami meat and some cheese to snack on. So I walked up to him and said:

    "How do you feel about a man walking up to you with salami in his hand?"

    He got a good laugh about it.
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