
when you spend 3 years at University studying Software Engineering, and your step dad asks you, " so what is it you that actually do?"... 😐

  • 4
    He just understands the nuances of the field :D
  • 11
    It's my fourth year and my father still thinks I'm learning how to repair computers
  • 1
    Yeah, try to explain it as simply as possible and in terms that they value. Build systems that help people, increase revenue... If they can relate to it they will really get it.
  • 3
    I have completed my computer science degree and my mom says I should have done electrical engineering. fuck you too mom
  • 1
    I was asked for 4 years what I was studying by my parents. It was Computer Science and Engineering every time.
  • 3
    "No, dad, I did NOT learn how to set up your printer today"
  • 4
    Developer for almost 20 years, my dad still describes my profession as "does something with computers".
    Few years back he bought a computer ($100, talked the guy down to $80, very proud of his 'deal'), had problems with it.
    "Dad, if you wanted a new computer, I could have set you up with something way better."
    "Oh yea..I forgot you work on computers"
    "Dad I don't...oh..never mind"
  • 1
    Welcome to the world of software development. I try to avoid talking about what I actually do every day to people who are not working in IT.
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