
Big stormish weather in the Netherlands today. I rely on public transportation for work and the trains are down 😩
Glad my parents live nearby my work!

  • 6
    @Alice i wanted to say that

    btw, Linuxxx, what do you do at 100.000?
  • 4
    @BambuSource No clue haha, ideas are welcome!
  • 6
    The coffee at the stations was free though 😊
  • 5
    So this happend. The weather trying to make a play with words.

    If you would also translate the townname it would say.

    Citybus in canal in Citycanal. #whereelse
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    Here in Canada, we don't have a storm, but it's really cold. I can literally feel my nose freeze as soon as I step outside.
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    @MisterArie De teeeering!
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    @linuxxx just saw some more videos from today. But it was on Facebook so probably hard to share with you :p

    But in it were seacontainers like 5 high being blown over. A truck just being blown of the highway. Some people walking and then being blasted a few meters forward. Glad I stayed indoors today.
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    @MisterArie Yup saw those on the NOS site! I didn't stay inside but I arrived at work before the worst part started luckily.
  • 4
    Well finally home safe! I'm really in for a beer now and I'm out 😭
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    @linuxxx if I did not live all the way up north I could have brought you some special ones.

    By the way we are rising in our rankings :p . Few more months and we could be 1 and 2 :p
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    I couldn't even sleep in because the wind was banging on my bedroom window 😭
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    South Korea had fine dust probably from China.... Hate it.
  • 1
    In Portugal there's no storm or anything like that... But it's freezing cold (for our standards. For some countries 0ºC is nothing lol)
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    My city goes crazy today.
    For no reason, "City Planing Institute" (or however you want to name these fucks in English) closed in the middle of night a transportation-critical bridge connecting two parts of our city. No warning pr anything before. Public transportation agency had NO FUCKING IDEA because noone told them and few buses and trains waited for 3 hours before someone told them. I cant imagine how stupid people working in the City Planing Institute could be, they are reaching new highs we tought were not possible.

    Tldr: my citys transport infrastrucure completly colapsed today. Nice 😂
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    @Alice good to hear. Goodluck!
  • 0
    Always happens in The Netherlands (I know your pain, 1 bit of snow and entire train schedule dies)

    I live in The Netherlands
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