
RIP Thomas Eugene Kurtz, the creator of BASIC.

  • 4
    Oooh, I just posted yesterday that my daddii programmed in it. Hmm, will tell him. RIP BASIC dude, I'm sure you'll end up in heaven with a house a bit nicer than Steve Jobs's house. You deserve it.
  • 5
    I would say that Python is the kinda basic of this era.
  • 4
    Nobody got the reference the other day:

  • 1
    Basic was my very first programming language.
    I can‘t say that it was good, though 😅
  • 1
    @Lensflare no, but that's with many languages. (QBasic was my first when I was six or eight).

    Take PHP for example, a billion of functions in one language, flat, not OO. Needing the $ sign. If you think about it.. But damn, just as with basic, I had so much fun with the languages, what does it matter?

    I program the languages that I find fun, not primarily because they're the best. While I consider the the language of God, I do it mainly because I like to build everything tailor made by myself in detail. Also, I like wren for example. How useless is that language. Even wrote networking stack for it adding to the interpreter. Useless, but so much fun. Fun it's all about.
  • 2
    @retoor For me there us no distinction between fun and good. A good language is fun and a fun language is good.
  • 2
    @Lensflare Delphi is good, native compiled but not fun for me 😂
  • 0
    Šta je to BASIC? Šta ja znam, pitaj Kurtza! LOL!

    But will all do respect and beside my rude bad Balkan joke, dude, rest in peace!
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