
Has someone an idea why KDE Neon has this buggy text rendering and how to fix it? Google is not my friend with this problem.. It's often the text which is buggy but sometimes everything else is buggy too..

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    @Torbuntu I love KDE Neon but these tiny bugs..
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    @Torbuntu do you use default ubuntu now?
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    Now i installed the drivers and rebooted my pc but the screen is now on a very low quality...
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    Maybe they botched their wide character support?
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    @Torbuntu ok some old drivers messed that up.. i deleted everything from nvidia and reinstalled the newest driver now the bugs are away and my screen resolution is back.. Thank you so much!
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    @nobes I had the same issue and the fix is indeed to reinstall the nvidia driver.
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    I had this problem very often, it seemed to appear very randomly. After some searching, I found out it happens most of the time when using some java application (jetbrains ide's are all java)...

    And they didn't fix it. Since like 3 years or so... (And yes, there's an issue on their bugtracker open)
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