
I am a c# developer. Right now i am using windows 8.1. What will be the difference if i use ubuntu or mint distro to develop c# apps?

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    You won't be tracked
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    @RAZERZ what about compatibility?
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    @r45h1d Little to none.

    It's literally not worth switching to Linux for C# unless you are paranoid.
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    @HelloUglyWorld alright. And i have no idea about linux commands. So, what distro is best for a beginner like me?
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    @XiovV thanks
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    @exelix did you mean
    Qt= winforms, Wpf
    Vs code= visual studio ?
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    To be fair, Windows 10 is alot better the crappy 8.1
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    @Linux i respect your opinion. But i found 8.1 has better memory managment
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    @exelix if you dont mind can you guide me what will Mono do in this perspective?
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    @r45h1d sidenote: Visual Studio Code != Visual Studio. They are two different programs: one is a lightweight editor (think Sublime or Atom), the other is a fully fledged IDE
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    @endor can i use visual studio in Mint?
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    @r45h1d unfortunately not, Visual Studio does not run on any linux platform. Wine support seems pretty terrible too, so our only option would be running a windows VM inside linux just for Visual Studio.

    VSCode, on the other hand, is available
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    @endor so, in short qt for winforms, vs code for editor
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    @r45h1d win 10 actually has faster dotnet performance, never looked back to 8(.1)
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    @GieltjE i'll give it a try
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    You can use monodevelop
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    @pinoelefante thats a good option as well. Thanks for telling me
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    If you start with Ubuntu, You will be pretty ass fucked much more than before. Use Debian or Arch.
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    @r45h1d if you want to pay there is Rider. I prefer it over VS.
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    I simply don't get it.

    You have a fully functional system, all C# libraries are compatible with it - but then you are like "Oh, I'm in mood for a little bit of GETTING SHOT IN THE KNEECAPS" and you decide to install something that will require more work and probably won't function as well?
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    Also, depending on what you are developing, loosing WPF is pretty much one of the worst options.
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    I would prefer win10 to, because there are programming differences between 8.1 and 10. I once get fucked, because I can't run my Code on the way like every other Plattform, I had to develop extra for 8.1.
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    @7root because windows OS are quite slow and buggy so i wanted to use linux
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    In general, a lot of C# development is quite possible on Linux. For example everything .net core as well as xamarin.

    However, whenever I tried, desktop applications felt really awkward since the ui just isn't geared towards Linux-like appearance and you're loosing the most powerful desktop ui framework since wpf is not supported.

    One more thing to consider is the ide. Yes, you can use whatever editor you like and can compile using dotnet and Mono. But I have yet to see an ide/debugger that is remotely as powerful and comfortable as visual studio with ReSharper.
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