A form for an order checkout has a fucking stupid select box for comments... Options like "knock loudly" or "Ring doorbell"... 🤔

My wife had no way to put in a comment to say it needed to go to level 2! So I took over, inspected the element to make sure it wasn't using ID values for these stupid values, then replaced it with a text area with the same control ID, name and class.

Problem solved, felt like such a ninja 😉

  • 1
    Ok, neat hack... But did it work as intended? :-P
  • 1
    Sure did! Her custom comment came right through to the invoice 😁
  • 0
    But...have you tried injecting HTML?^^
  • 0
    Did you try turning it off and back on?
    Nice solution tho.
  • 1
    Ffs who writes those dumbass frontends and their shitty backends?
    And in your case: which fucktard designed it?😁
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