
To all of you… PLEASE get into the DIY electronics hobby. Learn how to solder. Learn how to 3D-print. Learn basic circuit design.
The monopoly on electronics production know-how can and will be used as a mechanism of oppression. We the people should be able to rebuild the modern world from scratch out of salvaged components if need be, independent of centralized institutions.

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    Many people have this as hobby, also here. But I doubt if that knowledge is usable in anyway professionally. Hobby stuff isn't Siemens, Mitsubishi, abb or written in bascom or using modbus.
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    I am currently building a device that will have maps, gps, camera, geigermeter, weather center(air quality, temp, humidity), voice chat, esp-now mesh messaging without connecting to the internet with touchscreen keyboard, physical killswitches for each "module", solar and electric powered battery charger for lipo 10000mAh battery that's inside. No OS, just bare metal.

    Also having the external antenna for reach.

    Two of those could communicate and exchange data.

    So far I have list of parts and a some parts, also have the programming part half done.
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    @devJs wow! Pretty impressive. About devices communicating with each other… google Cybiko.
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