
Don't you just hate it when using a tutorial and the instructor tells you to install his fave ide!!
as if it's going to make everything easier

  • 3
    My lecturer at uni told us to use DevCpp. Why.
  • 4
    To play devils advocate: It's a pain in the ass to have 30 students per class all come to you, "uh Professor Derp? Yeah I can't build the project you gave us for this assignment." Because every student has a different setup. Visa-versa; you have to figure out why the submitted assignments won't compile because Student A did what you said, but Student B did his own thing but compiled it on mac which has different libraries yadayada.

    But forcing you to use DevCpp? what a sadistic fuck
  • 1
    If I were a teacher I would do this:

    Here's my setup; use it or don't, but when you turn in the assignments I damnwell shouldn't have to spend 2 minutes monkeying with the linker.

    Not nearly as much of an issues after you get past the 101 classes.

    PS: there should be a class covering a wide range of IDEs, Build Chains, compilers, etc
  • 2
    Yes, and like 7 exercises had to be in one file with 7 functions. :')
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