I can play with this little guy all day long.

  • 3
    What is that? Looks cool.
  • 4
    @PrivateGER it's called BeagleBone Black. It is a single-board Linux computer. If you haven't seen any just do a google about it. And look for Raspberry pi as well.

    You can use these devices instead of microcontrollers to make IoT based applications.
  • 3
    @shubhadeepb I actually own a Raspi. What's the difference?
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  • 2
    Beaglebone has a couple of microcontroller inside his microprocessor, they are called Programmable Realtime Units.
    Operative systems has some problem in providing low latency (needed if you want to control a machine, i.e. a 3d printer).
    The PRU has some memory shared with the processor, so you can use them.
    Look machinekit ;)
  • 4
    @PrivateGER okay, there's a lot differences between them. Let's make some points

    1. GPIO. BeagleBone has total 92 gpio pins, 7 of them are analog inputs, and almost 60 other pins can be used as Digital input/output. Some of those pins are used by lcd and emmc by default, which can be disabled to free those pins.

    2. Emmc. It has 4GB on-board emmc memory, which is faster and reliable than SD card storage.

    3. It can have SD cards too, mounted as a hard drive. So, you can use the emmc to store the OS and the sd card to store data.

    4. BeagleBone has released an IOT OS, which doesn't need any monitor and keyboard/mouse for setting it up. But to setup the Rpi, you must need monitor and keyboard/mouse.
  • 3
    @shubhadeepb okay im buying one
  • 1
    @shubhadeepb be careful, lot of gpio are dedicated to the hdmi.... You have to choose
  • 1
    @mngr yeah. I have disabled the hdmi overlay and using those pins as GPIO.
  • 3
    Imagine reading this & picture not loading.. o.O
  • 3
    @shubhadeepb You can configure a raspi with SSH enabled and have it connect to the network without attaching a keyboard, mouse or monitor. For ssh, if you put a file named ssh in the boot partition of the SD card, then the raspi will enable SSH on boot and then delete the file.
    For wifi configuration, if you put a file name wpa-supplicant.conf in the boot partition that contains the regular configuration you would normally use for setting up wifi, then when the raspi boots up it will copy the file to /etc/wpa_supplicant/ and delete file in the boot partition. This is how I've been handling set up of a headless raspi system for a while now.
  • 2
    That's what she said 😏😂
  • 0
    @IDontKnowWhat hey man! Thanks for this procedure. I didn't know that. I am going to buy a new Raspi soon and this will definitely help.

    However, the BBB does two another things, which are awesome. Firstly it creates a usb lan if you connect it to your pc, secondly it creates a wifi hotspot which you can use to connect the board as well. And both of these come out of the box. It also provides a browser based IDE called Bone IDE, where you can write your own code using BoneScript library.

    I personally prefer Raspi over BBB. Raspi has better processor and RAM, and far better community support. But BBB beats Raspi in GPIO interface and out of the box OS features.
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