
Best git UI for Linux? Or should I grow more chest hair and use the command line?

  • 3
    Command line 4lyfe. Just get yourself a good merge tool and you'll be fine with the command line.
  • 6
    gitkraken is the best git gui. but I agree that you should master the command line.
  • 0
    Smart git is what i use, i have tried them all
  • 4
    Command line is the best UI for git on any platform.
  • 1
    Command line. I was just like you until I decided to take the plunge, now the GUI just slows me down.
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    gui definitely
    I also use gitkraken as well, taking care of many projects at a time and it helps to have some GUI on that
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    @DreamWave I still hold need for cli expertise, but gitkraken has a freaking undo function... its like a `git undo fuckup` command.
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    @kevbost hahah 😂 it doesn't undo all the fuckups, but it helps xD

    also because it's multi-platform the design guys can use it on OSX and windows , and that is simple enough for them to use
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    always learn the command line first, because at some point, you will be on a system with no easy access to load GUI tools.
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    GUI always failed at something when I used it so I ended up having to open up git bash and fix the errors anyway. I used to be scared of the command line but it's seriously easier to use than the GUI, granted I only used Githubs GUI.
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    More chest hair
  • 2
    Obligatory : git gud
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    Man that respects himself uses terminal/console. *cowboy developer out*
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