
I enjoy listening to Metalcore while coding. It really helps me calm down and focus/concentrate (the irony of that whilst having someone scream right into my ears 😂). It also helps me chill and regulate my emotions better. Am I weird? What helps you focus and code better?

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    Seriously though, metal is great for programming.
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    Glad I reminded of good times.
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    Usually Black or progressive metal does it for me!
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    Anything that has good rythem, whatever the genre.
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    @NoMad i always have an empty spot for a good friend in my life. There's no such thing as too many good friends 😊
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    @nptr Beer helps me too, but I've been advised by a friend to not do it as often so I don't depend on it.
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    Is that it? I think if we don't connect more or exchange our info, I'm afraid this newly born friendship would fade to black !😯
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    @rising Can I be friends with you guys/girls too?
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    @irene I listen to Electronic and Trance too (and even drum and bass), but since recently Bring Me The Horizon's songs have hit the sweet spot for me.
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    When I need to focus I listen to black metal. It's like white noice where I don't get distracted by the lyrics. Or Simon and Garfunkel just because.
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    Arch Enemy lately
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    If you can do it then I deff envy you man. I try listening to metal while coding but i get waaay too distracted by it because of how FUCKING AWESOME IT IS \m/ **jumps out of window and goes on a rampage**
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    I listen to liquid dnb or hardstyle 😊
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    I like to have some hardcore Finnish folk-metal playing in my right ear, some classical music playing in my left ear. A stereo on in the room too, playing whatever is current in the charts and coming out of my laptop speakers I appreciate some gregorian chanting.

    Really helps me focus.
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    @Braed hardstyle (especially rawstyle) fanatic here!
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    @linuxxx I'm not a fan of raw but I've been listening to euphoric since 07! Nice to see hhz make a comeback last year, and cool to see a fellow hardstyle fan here! We are few!
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    I like anoushka shankar instrumental. Anyone tried it while coding?
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    @Braed Ah fair enough! Yeah that heady comeback was awesome!

    As for euphoric, I love cyber! For raw I'm currently mostly into Krowdexx, Act of Rage and Regain :).

    Are you Dutch by any chance?
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    @linuxxx cool!! I love cyber and sylence. I am good friends with sylence (Jason Waters) and used to Skype and play Xbox with cyber (seraja) before he got famous and forgot about us 😭hahaha!
    Im from England! Do you produce?
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    @Braed Holy fucking crap you KNOW them?!

    I'm jealous of you now 😭

    I am looking into producing yes! Want to go towards a combined style of:
    Stereotuners, Radical Redemption, Regain, Physika, Two-Sixty (they're upcoming but fucking hell they're good), Krowdexx and Aggressive Acts!

    I love those especially and would like to produce as energetic music as they do :)

    I did get a picture with Physika at a festival here, does that count? :P
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    @linuxxx YAAAY! Coders who also happens to be producers UNITE! xD
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    @monkehparade Not yet but looking into it!
    Using open source software for it on Linux is a requirement for me so looking at that right now haha.
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    @linuxxx time to code a DAW lol 😂
    That's awesome dude! I own a Facebook group for hardstyle producers which has been active for around 6 years which has been cool!
    What programming languages do you write?
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    @Braed Awesome! I don't have Facebook but oh well haha.

    I'm a Linux support engineer professionally but I program in php/node (js) in my spare time :)
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    @linuxxx wow that's awesome! I have never even used Linux lol
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    @Braed Well in my defense, i haven't used windows (properly) in nearly 8 years haha. Macos neither.
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    @linuxxx wow lmao, I really don't think I could make the switch to another os.
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    I'm not too much of a Metalcore fan, but some nice ass Doom Metal, Thrash or Symphonic Black Metal always helps me with stressful work.

    Fucking epic:
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