
would the idea that best government does as much as possible at the smallest level be a good design for code =_=

forgot what it was called. AI says localism

it's like being anti-global variables

but it also should get rid of needless architecture obsessions perhaps, because that's central planning government

you still have a coordination problem though?

  • 2
    Did you ever try just not to think and just write? Just keep going and going. It won't be as terrible as you think.

    I have only a few years of projects because not only because I lost all, but I only published my code if it was perfect. I quitted doing that. Thanks to that attitude everything is gone. Also, don't write generic shit for private projects, waste of time.

    My progress is dead by now. I'm too tired to code for a while now.
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    I've been getting good results doing onion architecture. Domain layer at the core- plain structs or struct-like classes (no logic) and standalone (static) functions (as in pure and deterministic). No I/O, no throwing exceptions, and you can write these things once, unit test them, and never have to worry about it again.

    Outer layer is application concerns- I/O as far to the edge as you can get it, so it's right there and only there- nothing buried, everything explicit, no surprises.
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