My employer gave me leaves and deducted salary for those days. This is a full time job. Has this happened to anybody here? Is this even legal?

  • 0
    That doesn’t sound right😮

    When taking, I’m assuming annual leave? Your using pre-allocated monies, so you don’t actuallly get paid, your just dipping into the piggy bank and being paid from that.

    But a reduced wage?
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    I didn't want the leaves. But i guess they didn't have anything for me to do. Does that make it ok to deduct salary? This is the first time this has happened and I feel like resigning.
  • 1
    @valium123 In Germany that would be illegal. Depends on the local law.
  • 2
    Depends where you live and the terms of your contract - at my work when there were hard times and little work they asked people who had no work to take leave but I think they could have refused - although our contract has a clause where we can't say no if we have a certain amount saved up
  • 0
    @spacem it's a full time job. I have never seen anything like this happening to anyone here.
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