So there is this girl who was trying to be cute and wrote a mock C code for me :

She wrote :

printf("kill self");
printf("what else??");

And without hesitating I told her that her code had a fault in it and it would always print "kill self" no matter what the level of disappointment is. And asked her to fix it.
The way she fixed it was probably best described as the situation when you have no idea what you are doing and you don't try to understand either. (or was simply passive aggressive) :

printf("kill self");
printf("kill self");

Honestly though I hope she was being passive aggressive because boy do I pity people who confuse between '=' and '=='

  • 18
    Then she tell you = is correct syntax for comparison , := is assignment in go. All C programmer r stuck in the past?
  • 11
    @sunfishcc Pascal had this too and Pascal is past but C is state of the art for embedded and mc
  • 17
    @1989 code first girls later
  • 2
    @koin this make sense since it's same syntax used in math
  • 2
    @sunfishcc in Delphi it's the same and i hate it with every Atom of my body.
    I hate it so much the Atoms i breath get infused with the hate thus it's kinda like a vending system but my hate for it is so eternal that it doesn't matter
  • 0
    I didn't do c for a while but when disappointment is zero the assignment would return zero right? Isn't that false in c? So it would actually print "what else" for that particular level of disappointment?
  • 1
    @spacem yes, one case I admit. But like I'm speaking in general terms.
  • 1
    Can I also add that killing oneself is never a good option.
  • 0
    @spacem i'd disagree.
    Facing a terminal illness with great pain could be a reasonable reason.
  • 4
    I must admit I was hoping for a love story
  • 2
    @1989 haha i love comments ++ed almost the same as rants
  • 0
    @1989 savage.
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