There was a problem with a server we were staging on, and I was providing DevOps help remote.

As a joke I said, "haha if you run `sudo rm -rf / --no-preserve-root` everything will be fixed!"

They ran it. RIP server-kun 2016-2018 πŸ’¨

  • 118
    Whatever problem there was with the server, it's gone now
  • 27
    Did you.. get backlash on that joke
  • 51
    @growling couldn't preserve root but hopefully can preserve my job
  • 4
    @Condor I thought the ranter was the DevOps employee
  • 3
    Reminds me of the gitlab incident. You can learn from this that mistakes can happen, be it an admin mixing up cache and data or someone misinterpreting a joke.
    No matter that, you should always have backups on a disconnected drive. Ransomware would've given you the same situation.

    TL;DR: if you get fired that's bad management. That server could go down one way or the other and one should be prepared for that.
  • 30
    If you do get fired give them this to execute:

    :(){ :|: & };:

    Then sit back and watch the fireworks :D

    P.S.: just in case... That's a fork bomb people don't run it on anything you like ;)
  • 5
    @ArcaneEye replace : with "function" and it might make more sense.
    Calling function will call function twice and pipe the output from the first into the second. The & is there to exec it async, to avoid a recursion error.
    :(){:|: &}; (semicolon to seperate commands) defines the function and the final : executes the self replicating bomb.
    This will replicate (fork) until all server resources are gone, thus it's a fork bomb
  • 8
    You need kubernetes man XD or at least docker compose. I love killing servers >:D you don't want to do your job? WELL YOURE GOING TO DIE NOW `docker kill $(docker ps -f 'name='prickthatdoesntwork'')`. I really need a shiny big red button with a happy face on it. DIE DIE DIEEEEEE
  • 3
    @bashleigh can you make me a red button too? I always wanted to have one next to me at work. I don't know what it should do though, either kill the raid-arrays or kill all servers. Or play an 80s/90s-classic
  • 3
    @YouAreAPIRate why not all? Each time you kill a pod of servers, rick roll fades in
  • 1
    @bashleigh no pod, we're talking about real servers here. My workplace hasn't advanced to containers yet
  • 3
    @YouAreAPIRate we haven't either!! It's really cool!! K8s is fucking amazing! We've dipped our toes into a containerised setup with some previous devs. They left and I'm left maintaining it. It's not exactly setup correctly but it's amazingly powerful!! Have you seen the conference VIDEO where he creates and destroys containers using Google's voice API thing? "Ok Google create 8 containers"
  • 1
    @bashleigh that sounds awesome, though i'm already happy once it's set up. I have a 2tb-raid for persistent storage and i want my containers to revolve around that (even though they are on different devices).
  • 1
    @bashleigh thinking back my company did deliver a kind-of-containerized application once. It was a rather small project and people should connect to it via wifi. We packed the server onto a pi, connected it to a router and delivered it that way. One host for every application, but not a virtual one ^^"
  • 2
    Thats pretty cool :p what was it running? Pis only come with 512 don't they? @YouAreAPIRate
  • 2
    @bashleigh a simple server, mostly static content. The biggest calculations were done with a desktop app.
    The pi 1's have 512mb ram, 2b and above have 1gb ram (and 4x1ghz)
  • 2
    @YouAreAPIRate you know What? I've never ran free -m on my Pi πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
  • 1
    @bashleigh what do you use it for?
  • 2
    Well... I have a quad copter that I want to control with my computer wirelessly. The pi is the flight board and err... ...not gotten far with it @youArePiRate
  • 1
    @bashleigh that sounds difficult. Is it at least easy to use that copters protocol?
  • 3
    @YouAreAPIRate well the plan is to run it in node ;) socket interface :p the electron controller app is on my github. Nowhere near finished. I'm using GPIO and I2c which are installed with johnnyfive ;) very easy to use!!!
  • 2
    @bashleigh ehi! Pi controlled quad copter, you need to reach me. We have a full msp implementation working in python. And can successfully programmatically control a drone... With a pi zero.
    If you are interested reach me
  • 2
    @bashleigh sounds like a plan. Who would've thought five years ago that a phpesque browser-scripting-language with a ton of special cases would soon power everything from high-performance-servers to quadrocopters?
  • 2
    @donnico can you show me too? I haven't done anything in that direction yet but that sounds awesome. I'd really like to have a drone following me or drones flying in formation
  • 3
    @donnico ooooo fancy helping me with this electron, react, socket controller? πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ would mean you could control your quad with an app on your laptop using an xbee. Well I'm hoping an xbee network will work with sockets? Sure it'll be fine!!
  • 2
    Yeah, guys reach me and will discuss it with the team! We plan to open source the core (msp protocol) but is not ready for that stage yet.
    nico at pulilab dot com I am sure something can be organised @bashleigh
  • 1
    @bashleigh also I can help you a bit with the js version, since I made an attempt to make it with node as well and in general I know the architecture quite well
  • 3
    @donnico so how're you building it? I've only imagined calculating absolutely everything? XD
  • 1
    @bashleigh the best approach is to have the flight part (rotor control) delegated to a flight controller or an Arduino with ardupilot. The calculation involved in keeping the copter stable are both complex and expensive and.. Why reinvent the wheel? A flight controller is cheap, and can be completely slaved to your raspberry instructing it in all the regards. I suggest that you take a look at inav and his configurator (which is written in js)
  • 1
    Person who just ran it without any thought should be the only one who gets backlash... Jesus... What an idiot...
  • 2
    @donnico that makes sense. I do like doing things the hard way πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
  • 1
    @bashleigh :D beside the calculation if you use the pi alone you will need to deal with power surges problems. The motor are always controller by an ESC (electronic speed controller) and those bad boys take in a lot of power in spikes.
  • 1
    This didn't happen. Nobody has devops that stupid.
  • 0
    A joke that destroyed lives
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