
Stop. Using. Fucking. ADA. To. Teach. Basic. Programming.

I wouldn't say you should use a dynamically typed language like Python, but having programed since high school, I hated each and every aspect of Ada. We were even taught OOP and generics with it! (And not, you do not want to know how it is, because it is dreadful)

  • 2
    Until this rant I had not heard of it, but I think this is actually better then scratch... which is becoming widely used early on, or Visual Basic which is what I learnt first🤦‍♂️
  • 1
    Free Pascal in my school. I don't know what you are talking about, but I can guarantee that fpc is worse....
  • 1
    Is this really a thing? O.o I've looked at Ada a little before and that seems fucking insane...
  • 1
    We needed to learn Occam in a "parallel programming" course. There aren't even proper tools for that piece of crap anymore. As if there are no languages today that can illustrate the same concepts but much better.
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    @C0D4 well, I would use scratch for high school introduction to programming, but not in university. As for VB, I honestly wouldn't use anything that depends on a specific OS (not hating windows, I just prefer those that run on all OSes), but I guarantee it's better than Ada.
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    @Zaphod65 do yourself a favour, and do not look at it ever again, under no circumstance. Just a friendly piece of advice.
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    @mzeffect yeah, same with Ada, the only IDE (I wouldn't introduce programming without a half decent IDE) was a Eclipse extension for Eclipse Kepler, which was as buggy as you could imagine.
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    @aritzh what about GPS?
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    Actually my experience (as someone who started programming at University) with Ada is very positive. For me as a beginner it was an intuitive and logical Syntax, much more than Java or C. Especially for Embedded Programming it has so many advantages over C.
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