
I would replace it completely with industry apprenticeship, along with every other major. Education in the USA has become a scam designed to mine children for debt. If we're shackling kids to their student loans we at least owe them relevance in their chosen workplace.

Germany apparently let's people choose apprenticeship over university for work such as engineering. Does anyone know more about that? Does it work? Would it work for programmers?

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    German here and yes, You can choose apprenticeship instead. There's also a whole system called dual studies which means you work for a company for a semester then you study at a university for a semester, then work again etc. In the end you'll have the University degree and a official apprenticeship certification.
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    @iNeed28hPerDay this sounds amazing. Any drawbacks?
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    @stisch The main drawback is even more stress I'd say. Companies expect a lot from you so there's usually no time for holidays etc.
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