Stop teaching assembly first. It may be the underlying language, but your average coder never needs this confusing mess.

  • 3
    what!? what kind of school teaches assembly first? a student's first language should be easy enough to grasp and robust to illustrate common programming constructs. That will definitely get them hooked into coding.
  • 0
    People teach assembly first?.
  • 6
    I got taught assembly and C during my first semester. I loathed it at the time, but I'm glad I had that knowledge from the start. More nuance aspects of C++, and even more abstract things like data structures made a lot more sense in grand scheme of things, although that might just be me.
  • 0
    My first programming course in my BS.E was Assembly.... They called it Computer Architectures
  • 0
    I don't think assembly was first for me, but it was definitely thought during my first year. It was PAINFUL and completely unnecessary
  • 0
    Well, im enrolled in a game development course and there's some random stuff in there: we learn C# for Unity, electronical engineering, microchipcoding with Assembly and stuff like powerdemandcalculating. I think they want to teach us how to build a god damn game console on our own...(Germany btw)
  • 1
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    They taught us assembly in 2nd year of our uni course, module name was 'Computer Architectures'

    I gotta say, it was interesting to learn the underlying workings of code, but it ultimately did not teach me how to code better. It didn't teach me much of anything besides how assembly works. So that's good... I guess?
  • 0
    True. Also very useful in exploit development under cybersecurity but have to agree that it shouldn't be taught as a first language.
  • 0
    Assembly level programming should definitely be second/third year, at least. Anyone taking that as their first introduction to programming is going to have a bad time.

    It's interesting and useful, yeah, but only if you have an idea of what you're doing with it. A majority of beginners aren't going to benefit from it being taught first.
  • 0
    @vlatkozelka it's a confusing mess for beginners because thats the type of code they're gonna produce
  • 0
    @TheLazyDev Not just you bro. I'm glad the first thing I learned was Z80 assembly with 8 bit registers and then C. Afterwards, learning everything else was a breeze. Literally nowhere to go but up from there 😂
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