How do you guys balance work, projects and family?
I work 40 hours a week, plus 15-30 hours a week on my own projects. I feel like I don't have enough time for my family(SO) at times.

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    It's called having priorities and managing those.

    Time is your most valuable asset, so chose wisely how you spent it.

    If you honestly feel that you want to spent more time with your family, you have to cut down on your job or hobby hours or both.

    If you want to work as long for both the job and for the side projects, you'll have to accept the fact that you don't have time for much else. So do wonder if you are doing the side project for the right reasons. (That is: for fun! Being bored by a job can be changed. Fearing that you lose your job if you don't update your knowledge in your spare time is unhealthy and is a sure way to burnout.)

    Currently, I work a 40 hour week, but rarely do side projects. (In the past I also had a 32h week also without doing much side projects.)

    I use that "free" time for other hobbies besides coding and friends and family. That was a conscious decision.
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    I never, ever work weekends. Rarely work between 4:30pm and 9pm. Day starts at 7:30am (no commuting). continues after 9 if needed. I take afternoons off occasionally and try to lunch with friends. Sticking to it works out well for me. Being Self Employed has its benefits and pitfalls.
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    8 hours - Job
    4 hours - commuting (great time to learn new things)
    4 hours - family

    The other 8 hours are sleeping and a tv show or movie or something to numb my mind for the day

    Rinse and repeat 5 days

    Weekends - mostly family time

    And hello Monday 😑🔫
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