
For a mobile developer, Java is like women : can't live with it, can't live without it 😆😢

  • 1
    Different strokes for different folks.
  • 2
    nothing wrong with anal
  • 1
    But it does work on all genders... And species! *captain porn out*
  • 3
    Most people who bitch about Java lack the knowledge to write good Java. Most people who bitch about anal have never been on the giving end of a good ass reaming.
  • 1
    @xorith the issue is how hard it is to write good Java. Unless you spend a LOT of time optimizing parts of it yourself it'll always be inferior to languages like C++. Sorting arrays in Java vs C++ is night and day.

    The memory overheard and lack of high level optimization is crippling. That's why almost no one ever uses Java for high performance computing. Or at least I've never heard of it
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