Yearly angular rant.
I am doing since 2023

and yep, angular is still shit in 2025

And still maintaining a high level, business critical, giant angular set of web portals, and some more projects with an angular UI that has to do with AI projects.
Of course not my choice, I'm forced to use this pile of steaming shit.

Year by year they keep releasing a new version and I always hope they get their shit togheter.
Every year is worse.
Instead of fixing this half-baked, ill-fated, broken clot of hacks rigged togheter, they keep adding cosmetic shit and useless no-one-asked ever features.
They added signals when there are not 1, but 2 mature, battle-tested frameworks (rxjs, ngrx) that already do it better.
They added @if @else etc etc. syntax after 10 years people were telling them that using that shit *ngIf and ng-container and templates was a shitty hot mess.
The whole change detection system is still the worst, clunky designed, cake of shit, requiring for real world applications to juggle with change detection services, change detection policies and control value accessors, which basically forces you to reinvent the most complicated wheel ever for what a ton of other frameworks already do out of the box without getting you bald from hair-pulling late-night hours.

Even AI can't fathom it. Give it to Copilot, GPT, Claude or whatever, and as soon as you get something more complicated than a form that sends a class to the backend or some mapping classes they will flip up, get all worked up and write completely utter shit that doesn't work.

I won't get into the projects details but I had to build some complicated UI and it has baffled me what fucking triple backflips I had to write to make some UI elements work smooth.

Jesus, why the fuck people keeps unleashing this pile of shit on me?
Why is it even used? There are a TON of healtier alternatives.

As of 2025, my christmas wish is still to have an 1v1 with angular devs in an octagon to shove my fist in their skull to check out what kind of twisted donkey shit is in there.

Seriously some improductive dumbass framework here, and if you like it, you're a shit programmer.

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    I think that people liking certain stuff makes them a bad dev in someway too. Some stuff is just wrong.

    LLM needs reasonable stuff to understand things. LLM doesn't understand everything, but if it doesn't, it's mostly quite an indication of how logic / consistent something is.

    What framework would you prefer? IF i had to use a frontend framework it would be Vue. Never REACT at least. Vue is so innovative, you learn it in a few evenings or so, you can just guess and you'll see it's correct. That's how good it is.
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    Answer to:

    1) Devs choices:

    Yes, choosing angular or react makes you shit.

    2) LLM

    LLM is trained on a ton of data and FOR SURE angular data and samples and docs are available in abundance, literally internet is flooded with it.

    BUt somehow it struggles with angular. Guess why. You must be right in your intuition.

    3) my frameworks

    I work mainly in .NET/MVC and even with all of his problems I had a FAR MUCH MORE EASY LIFE, even for unimaginable complex applications (i.e documental, OCR digital, archiviation for a SaaS with multiple customer and a totally hierarchically customizable interface (up to the tables showing the data) of a gargantuan amount of data. Yet doing this was sure hard, but a breeze compared to much easier projects, but done in angular.

    I've tried vue and I was surprised by how quick you can put up stuff. Unfortunately I can't choose the tools/frameworks.
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    @IHateFrameworks backed dev is just more decent and mature than frontend dev. That we can't choose our own tools always is ok for me. Its educational. If others can make stuff would it, so should i. But if I had to do REACT I would really look for a different job probably.
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    @retoor I'm full stack, at this point i'm even more than that as I also configure devops pipelines and other stuff like dbs, server and whatever else needed.

    Ironic isn't it? Having to deal with all kind of shit and angular and linux are still the worse shit to me even if I personally handled a ton of techs
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    @retoor I‘d say that backend dev is nothing special here. It‘s the web dev that‘s special.
    Every other frontend dev except web dev is decent and mature.
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    @Lensflare hmm, not true. Microsoft keeps switching it frontend stuff and almost nothing is cross platform. Electron, meh. I guess Java is doing the best regarding that or so? But yes, was obviously talking about web stuff. For desktop apps I call the frontend a gui.

    Backend web dev is very matured.
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    @IHateFrameworks omg having issues with Linux? It's the most informative system regarding issues Microsoft only could dream about. I do admit, it gives more errors than Microsoft due high customization, but also gives informative errors what Microsoft doesn't. The C# error reporting is just sad. Can't beat gcc or python or whatever.

    I starterd to appreciate Linux after many years of failure using it and kept preferring windows until I came to work somewhere ten years ago or so where indies wasn't allowed. After force working with it, I absolutely love it.
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    @retoor web frontend is gui, too. ^^
    And not every desktop app is a gui :)
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    @retoor what is backend web dev?
    A backend is supposed to be agnostic about if it‘s used by a web frontend or not.
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    @retoor Sorry but no.

    Gave me too many nightmares.

    Remembering 2 randoms:

    1.Tried to install vnc server on a old machine just to discover their distro maintainers ditched it (or call it stopped support for that version maybe) and I had to manually change the repos to the new ones to be able to do a goddamn anything

    2.Had to install some machines with wifi dongles because no cable was available in this high machinery environment. Long story short: drivers didn't exist and had to find some obscure guy who did somewhat compatible drivers open source on github, download the source, compile it and install on every machine.


    This is enough for me to tell a big fat fuck you to linux

    Sad is that I still have to use it though (docker, lot of server/devops pipelines, raspberry etc etc etc) and it always give me some shit errors that require fucking your head in bash terminal for 1 hour
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    @Lensflare that a backend is a word not being used for only web I only have learned while learning about compilers.i actually thought backend was web only. But again, the web backend is more famous than any other backend afaik. A web developer doing python or so is just called a 'backend developer'.
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    @IHateFrameworks well, why did you need vnc, maybe that's already a wrong approach. Needing a remote desktop is a real windows mindset normally. Don't know anyone using a remote desktop. Also, the Google one is nice.

    Regarding drivers install, yh, i agree. But how many years was it ago?
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    A 10 /10 rant. Angular was notoriously crappy back in the day. Don't know about now. I picked up react native back then but each time I've seen a tutorial of theirs along the line, I find it very difficult to reconcile the syntax to javaScript. It's extremely cryptic, convoluted, they keep churning out new terms and constructs for basic stuff that should be nobrainers

    Vue is bearable. I used it more extensively than the rest, although a lot of water has passed under the bridge now. Last I looked at it, they've evolved a lot, I'd have a lot of catching up to do. Sucks to work where your bosses impose shitty tech but suggest svelte and turbo hotwire/htmx to them. Those are bliss and imo as easy as dx could get
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    @retoor It was a set of totems and screen displays for a big company that wanted to showcase their products on totems and their awesome green approach with showing how much Co2 they were saving using solar panels in their showrooms.

    We had to do some maintenance/updates to the screen showcase apps from time to time and before using VNC we had to go there machine by machine.

    Again, not my choice, I was asked to put a vnc server on each of them to be able to connect and do that stuff remotely

    Both this and the install were at least 9-10 years ago, when I was a rookie

    It comes to my mind that I also roasted some hard drives with dd because that shit is unintelligible and overcomplicated
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    @Nmeri17 always eager to learn convenient stuff, where I can get more about svelte and turbo togheter with htmx? any recommended guide
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    @IHateFrameworks ooeeh, htmx no goodii imho. This is not decent imho: https://htmx.org/examples/.... And this completely terrible: https://htmx.org/examples/edit-row/. It generates code rather than adding an event listener.

    Htmx wants to be a follow up from jquery as mentioned in this essay https://htmx.org/essays/future/. while they got some good points, I'm not convinced that it's a good idea to choose. Rather stick with vanilla. It's not that much to build that functionality. Jquery came in a time that all browsers were devided. We don't have that issue anymore.
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