In a career talk about the importance of the IT industry:
Speaker: "Who here uses AWS?"
*I'm the only one who raised my hand in a hall of ~100 IT students*
Speaker: "Good, you are a geek that everyone should aim to be!"
Ummmm… Is that a compliment…? Why do I feel a bit offended…

  • 18
    For using a particular service/product? ....oh...k
  • 4
    I feel like Geek is a compliment, but nerd is an insult.
  • 0
    @securiter ikr? So random
  • 0
    @PrivateGER why would either them be? I think stupid and jock are insults, not some doing some productive endeavour.
  • 0
    @PrivateGER I've been insulted with both before… So not sure what's going on with this case 😂
  • 0
    @securiter Nerd just feels like an insult, I think.
  • 1
    @PrivateGER nerd=person who studies a lot and/or is socially awkward, I could live with any of those.
  • 4
    Bunch of people from a big company came to our uni to give a talk on "The hitchhiker's guide to data science". The first question they asked was "Who all have read Douglas Adams' books?". Mine was the only hand raised in the entire hall. You can guess what happened :p

    It's not a cause for offense or shame. If it's something you enjoy then feel proud about it.
  • 2
    AWS is definitely a critical technology for infrastructure, but it's short-sighted in my opinion, for it to be the golden road that softs make it out to be. Infrastructure is a commodity, and AWS is just one provider. There are lots of others, and they may also serve the needs of any given business.
  • 0
    Made me think about this here:
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