
So guys, for those of you that know what a burn down chart is, this is my teams, aka Front-end ONLY for end of March.

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    Why on gods green earth are your sprints so fucking long.
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    I should make a burn-down graph, just for fun.
    It would look like a < 🙁
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    @D--M It's not even a sprint, it was my attemt at shock value to show our crazy PM that we NOT A FUCK gonna make it, its just a milstone. He still thinks we will make the deadline.
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    ~3 months ago, this was my team's burn down (also frontend only)
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    Wait how can you add more points to a Sprint? I thought sprints can't go interrupted.
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    @stupidcats based on jira against the point estimates, points going in make it go up, stories being competed make or removed from sprint make it go down.

    @NoobCoder, I guess it depends on your config, but I am a board admin so I can do what I want, it just gives a warning that scope will be effected, not sure if non admins can add to the sprint, pretty sure they can. You not supposed too, but as mentioned above, it's not an actual spring we run kanban, but jira does not provide anything useful like the burn down charts unless you open a sprint.
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    So... We only getting APIs next week, along with the infrastructure... 😂
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