
Imagine how many of us would be fucked if the largest ever recorded DDoS attack was successful/persistent. Y'all should be thankful.

🙏 Glory Be GitHub 🙏


  • 12
    Aren't the people from Prolexic the real heroes?

    Github just routed their traffic trough them.
  • 5
    I am really not sure if I should be thankful that the attack was not successful but rather worried that Github became THE central place to share code. Sure it's convenient but an outage (DDoS or whatever the reason is) would lead to hundreds of thousands of people become unable to work, apps to stop working and resources unable to reach.
  • 2
    @Kovah that's probably the reason they invest in this partnership to protect themselves. 😃
  • 2
    @imacat well I'd say both, github could have been unprepared. The fact that it took minutes to solve it means they had processes in place to deal with a DDoS attack.
  • 2
    If you will loose money because GitHub is down, you are doing something wrong.
    You have to have a plan B too...
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