Any Typescript users here? I feel like it's not used as much as it should.

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    Typescript is really good in my opinion. Its a better understandable "version" of js i think. But i did not get deeper in it. So maybe I'm wrong. But i know some people, who are swearing to use typescript instead of js itself.
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    @jakobev It's true. Typescript is one of the only reasons I got back into Javascript because it makes writing it fun!
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    The only problem with ts is micro$oft, almost all the rest is good
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    @Jakuho Open-source though!
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    We use on front and back end - not sure why anyone would use vanilla js
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    @spacem not sure why anyone would use any kind of js on backend
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    It used when angular and react've been usedπŸ˜‰
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    Typescript mainly makes Javascript look more like Java...
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    I use it with Angular. I'm mixed on it, but I'm biased. I've been working with JavaScript and Python my whole career so I've not had a lot of experience with typing. I often find it more frustrating than not, but I understand that I'm probably in the minority
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    Typescript is life ... POO in javascript vanilla is a shity crap
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    Ionic/Angular here :)
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    I noticed the source code for VSCode has a lot of typescript. I might need to learn it just for that.
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    I use it just hope one day they drop the transpiler and browsers can understand it natively
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    @mt198 you can run es6 syntax from console in chrome and Firefox. The difficulty comes from all browsers need to behave the same, but webkit and ie refuse to do that.
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    I do. With React for frontend and NodeJS for backend (serverless). And with ionic/angular for side projects. Can't even imagine working with vanillaJS now. πŸ˜…
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    I would hate to go back to regular js after having used Typescript for a year now.
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