
They got balls to show this

  • 7
    Fighting rule 101: When you're out of tricks, you bluff!!
  • 5
    This is why I drink.
  • 5
    Well if you have like no features, thus displaying way less, I'm pretty certain you can be fast
  • 5
    @teganburns Don't you measure speed in speed scores? I measure my own code's efficiency in efficiency scores, and always get a solid 1000 (of possible 1000 efficiency scores)
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    Edge is the clear winer in JetStream and SunSpider benchmarks recently. It has clear advantage on JavaScript benchmark. But the reputation so bad most people won't believe it.😂
  • 1
    @DBX12 You must be a very good coder xD
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    @sunfishcc sounds like that's all they got going for them.
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    @sunfishcc not surprising considering how bloated chrome feels lately.
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    @andros705 tried out this page. Firefox is 64% higher than Chrome. Don't think It's a reasonable score. The tests I mentioned are both js benchmark tests
  • 0
    It helps when you're browser isn't as compliment with the spec. I mean it's basically like counting, edge counts to 7 and says finished when Chrome counts to 10 as per the spec and says finished. One is clear doing more work so it makes sense it's slower.
  • 1
    @hypervtechnics I am. The best in my field to be honest. At least the voices say so. And who am I to criticize a wise man like me? \s
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