
How would you rescue the princess? 😂

  • 3
    Python, it already comes with a rescued princess
  • 0
    I probably won't!!
  • 0
    @YouAreAPIRate haha

    but when you leave the castle, you realize that who you rescued was only someone who looked like the princess, a decoy if you would, and now you have to go in for the real princess.
  • 1
    @YouAreAPIRate you have to rescue the princess with python.

    Pip install rescue princess

    Import rescue princess
  • 0
    @Xaldos I haven’t used it before. What does the result imply?

    The princess’ dog is topmost, and the princess is above the knight. Does that mean that you lose control over expected results? If so, why?
  • 0
    @Xaldos if you look at the C segment, it shows a similar animal but mentions that you rescue the princess’ dog hence my ascribing the dog to the animal in the LISP segment. Lol
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