
Curious about AI assisted TDD. Assisted writing of specs and then assisted implementation. Any experience so far? I kind of like the idea but I'm afraid it's like doing TDD with a toddler, helping less than 50% of the time.

  • 2
    It could be good to make a base with the default tests by supplying a few tests upfront and say that you want functions like that. The businesslogic and stuff, i would write those tests myself.

    So, it's good for boiler plate imho.

    I only generated tests a few times just for fun, didn't use any of that in production .
  • 3
    @retoor AI is good for boilerplate, yes.
    But IMO boilerplate should be avoided, not offloaded to AI. The first step to avoid boilerplate is to pick a non-retarded language.
  • 2
    I‘m skeptical if AI would be beneficial in writing specs (for tdd), because it doesn‘t know your specs. Only you know your specs.
    I suspect that if you give this task to AI, you‘ll end up with functional, but mostly meaningless generic garbage which is not very useful for you.
  • 1
    @cb219 I've had it generate a decent set of tests by just asking it to write tests for <insert code here>

    Will probably need some clean up however
  • 1
    It's a gadget. Write your own shit like an adult faggot
  • 2
    Maybe it would work better the other way around. Write the tests and it will write the spec for you.
  • 0
    @electrineer what do you mean?
  • 0
    @cb219 i think he means you should do it the other way around. Write the code and ask the IA to generate tests for you
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    @cb219 also don't be derided by my smug tone I'm on my manperiod
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