
Cool stuff at work !

  • 7
    Fucking awesome!
  • 1
    Are you for real! This is awesome.
  • 1
    I didn't know it till I googled it. I've first read Nerd, but it's Nerf, right? 8)
  • 1
  • 5
    Santa I was a good guy this year, please give me this armory to shoot them asshole clients in the face.
  • 2
    We had them at ours but one person kept shooting someone in the head (Me) someone else complained on my behalf and then they got banned. I was fine getting hit. I was stockpiling the bullets to put into the automatic one!
  • 1
    Nerf this!

    BTW Idk why so many people like play with guns 🤔
  • 0
    @sunfishcc maybe to compensate for sth 8)
  • 1
    If i had the correct relationship with my future co-workers, having those nerf guns would end up making some random war once a month
  • 0
    You work for Hyperion? 😄
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