
Is there an alternative to stack overflow by any chance?

Have a basic question but can't be bothered dealing with the toxic community regarding basic questions -.-

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    dammit someone mentioned the name of another website a while ago. started with an n....fk can't remember. if i figure it out ill hit u up.
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    Tried Sololearn?
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    @RubyTuesday nah it's a android via Java question but I'll keep that site in mind!

    @AvyChanna no but I'll look into it
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    @AvyChanna SL is absolutely useless
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    If it's a basic question it may already have an answer on StackOverflow. If not, ask it. I disagree that it's toxic. No one's going to down-vote it if you properly form your question (https://stackoverflow.com/help/...)
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    @RubyTuesday absolutely!
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    It can be brusque and seem cold sometimes, and that’s largely just because there’s so many questions asked all the time.

    I find a well worded question where you’ve really explained as much as you can is usually met with a good response.
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    There's several discord channels available depending on your Programming language 😊
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    Aren't you the guy in the picture 😂
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    @py2js no but I have this picture frames on my wall and a read poetry every morning to honour this man.
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    @lxmcf make sure to crop the image. You don't want that cluttered chrome in your frame 😂
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    @py2js and remove the stack overflow logo so I can deny all irony
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