
I work at a research institute (part of probably the largest research body in whole Europe). And it's driving me nuts. Forget about the lack of interest to improve yourself in terms of software skills or basic digital hygiene so that others don't have to pick up the mop and clean after you. The ancient mindset is what is making me curse everyday. Only a few years ago we switched to GitLab. Before that versioning, if at all a known term, was done explicitly via email messages - code snippets in the message's body, versions in the subject of message attachments...A freaking nightmare. Constantly broken links to files and folders on our NAS since some people have never heard of relative paths or writing even the tiniest bit of support for configuration files in their software so that a tool does not completely brake the moment you transfer it onto another system or - God forbid - the person leaves and there is no information whatsoever what's where. Everyone is complaining about the clutter on our servers but no one is willing to actually clean their own (not someone else's) crap. If you mention to someone something like "Can you please pack your stuff in this GitLab repo with this folder structure, so that I have an easier time integrating it into the main software that we need to ship to our customers in a few days?" all you get as a response is a blank facial expression and the occasional "I have my own processes. Don't bother me with this!". I have been trying for almost 4 years now and its budging a little bit but the lack of support is abysmal. My boss, as enthusiastic as it is, is incapable of putting his foot down. The fact that I have two heads of my team (one not really but acting like it) does not improve the situation at all especially since both are pulling in a completely different direction. We are literally wasting hundreds of thousands of euros of taxpayers' money to buy new hardware that people are either inadequate to use to its fullest potential (think buying the latest GPU to play Minesweeper) or not having even the smallest clue on what they need it for. And we are always complaining about our budget! You don't invest a couple of hours to investigate how PyTorch can work in a distributed manner on multiple CPUs, GPUs and even systems, yet demand you get a new server for 80K with a more powerful GPU and CPU to run your crap models on so that you can publish a half-ass paper that nobody cares for let alone will ever bother reading (beside the AI reviewers).

  • 1
    Sounds terrible, come work for the best institute of the world! It's the molodetz instute.
  • 0
    As someone who also does AI, infrastructure should not be my concern. Yes, I also train on my own computer, but not (just) because a cluster is not easily available (access, privileges, rerouting of data, processing limits, etc etc), but also because some clusters available are so badly designed that it takes me a PhD just to figure out wtf they've done. If it ain't usable, it ain't reusable.

    I can't be super-human. I need to focus on my own shit. So either someone else figures out the infra and shipping conditions, or I'm taking the path of least resistance. I want to do the hard interesting stuff, not the crap I used to do as an intern!

    Also if you're working for DFG or Fraunhofer, they do not impose limits because it helps researchers move faster. If they get good results, then they move to infra development. Usecases vary significantly for those projects.
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